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El Paso Emergency Room West

351 Redd Road
El Paso, TX 79932

Phone: 915-255-4575

Offering 24/7 Emergency Services

351 Redd Rd, El Paso, TX 79932, USA

El Paso Emergency Room East

3281 Joe Battle Blvd
El Paso, TX 79936

Phone: 915-304-5900

Offering 24/7 Emergency Services

3281 Joe Battle Blvd, El Paso, TX 79936, USA

Contact Us

Prompt Emergency Room Services in El Paso, TX

Experience exceptional emergency room healthcare services in El Paso, TX, at El Paso Emergency Room, your premier destination for full-service emergency room care. Our commitment to providing top-notch emergency room services sets us apart as a trusted healthcare partner in the community. At El Paso Emergency Room, we understand the urgency and importance of quick and comprehensive care. With our state-of-the-art facility and dedicated team of professionals, we offer a range of emergency room services designed to meet your healthcare needs. From emergency room ED services to a wide spectrum of healthcare services, we prioritize your well-being. Explore the excellence of our emergency care services at El Paso Emergency Room – where your health is our priority. Contact us now for prompt, reliable, and compassionate emergency care.

Services Provided by El Paso Emergency Room

At El Paso Emergency Room, we are committed to providing comprehensive emergency care services tailored to your well-being. Our state-of-the-art facilities in both El Paso East and West ensure prompt and exceptional healthcare experiences. Explore our range of services:

  • Trauma Care – Our experienced teams are equipped to handle various trauma cases, providing immediate and specialized care to address critical injuries.
  • Diagnostic Services – Benefit from onsite emergency radiology and laboratory services for quick and accurate diagnostics, facilitating efficient and precise treatment.
  • 24/7 Availability – Our commitment to round-the-clock availability ensures that you receive reliable emergency room services any time, day or night.
  • Experienced Medical Professionals – Trust in the expertise of our board-certified emergency physicians and nurses, ensuring the highest standard of care for our patients.
  • ‘No Wait’ Policy – Experience prompt attention and care with our ‘No Wait’ policy, prioritizing efficiency and addressing medical needs promptly.
  • Insurance Process Assistance – Despite being out-of-network for most insurance plans, our dedicated team is committed to simplifying the insurance process for our patients.
  • Comfortable Environment – Our facilities are designed to provide a friendly and supportive atmosphere, ensuring your emergency room visit is as comfortable as possible.
  • Comprehensive Emergency Care – Rely on us for a wide range of emergency care services designed to address various medical needs, ensuring a thorough and effective approach to your healthcare.
Emergency Services Provided by El Paso Emergency Room in Texas

Our Locations & Phone Numbers

El Paso Emergency Room is dedicated to providing outstanding emergency care services in both the East and West areas of El Paso. Our emphasis on delivering exceptional healthcare is evident in the modern facilities situated at two convenient locations:

El Paso Emergency Room East

3281 Joe Battle Blvd, El Paso, TX 79936

Phone: (915) 304-5900

Fax: (915) 857-5869

El Paso Emergency Room West

351 Redd Rd, El Paso, TX 79932

Phone: (915) 255-4575

Fax: (915) 585-1234

Why Choose Us

Opt for El Paso Emergency Room and experience a level of care that sets us apart. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the quality of our emergency care services. With state-of-the-art facilities in both East and West El Paso, we ensure accessibility and convenience. Choose us for our round-the-clock availability, experienced medical professionals, and efficient ‘No Wait’ policy that prioritizes your health needs. At El Paso Emergency Room, we go beyond traditional healthcare, providing a supportive and comfortable environment for our patients. Trust us to simplify the insurance process and deliver comprehensive emergency care services. Your well-being is our top priority, making us the reliable choice for exceptional healthcare experiences.

Contact El Paso Emergency Room Today

Elevate your expectations for professional emergency room services with El Paso Emergency Room, your trusted partner in emergency care in El Paso, TX. Our commitment to delivering top-tier emergency room services, including emergency room EDS service, reflects our dedication to your well-being. As a beacon of excellence in healthcare, our state-of-the-art facility and experienced team ensure that you receive prompt and expert care when you need it most. Your health is our priority, and we invite you to experience the reassurance of choosing El Paso Emergency Room for your emergency healthcare needs. Take control of your health – contact us for unparalleled professional emergency room services that prioritize your peace of mind.